Giving an SDN blog it’s title back

There’s change in the air for SDN, but in the meantime I saw a tweet the other day from DJ Adams….

There’s not much chance of it getting fixed now, as the new SDN, as a new SDN based on Jive 5, will be going live
before the end of the year. However, the community comes to the rescue, with Sascha Wenninger posting a bookmarklet that is meant to take (with a title of SAP Community Network Blogs) and replaces it with, with the correct title. Unfortunately, his one doesn’t always work. For example, it assumes that the url starts with https, which requires you to logon to SDN before you can run it. So I modified, and present for your edification the Unwrap SDN Blog bookmarklet.

Drag the Unwrap SDN Blog bookmarklet to your tool bar, go to Sascha’s blog post, and hit the bookmarklet.