How Bad are We? A Reality Check on Your SAP End User Maturity

The neglect of SAP end users has only grown worse since the economic downturn. Firms that were already struggling with their SAP deployment have cut training budgets and end user competency is falling to new depths.

Follow this link to download my white paper: Your Users Are Stumbling and Your Business Is Suffering, How cutting SAP Training could make bad times worse

At noon EDT on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 I will be leading a webinar “End Users at the Wheel”. It is the first of three planned webinars and includes a special offer:

All attendees may access our SAP End User Maturity Assessment at no cost. This offer is valid through August 10, 2010.

The program is a self-assessment covering:

Environment: these best practices address the working environment and end user supports. Some examples:

• SAP training team, methods, and tools are in place.
• End users understand business goals inherent in SAP roles.
• Infrastructure is in place for end user training.

Ownership: these best practices address budget, ownership of issues, and authorities relative to end user maturity. Some examples:

• Ownership of end user competency is established within the organization.
• Senior leadership views SAP competency as a business issue.
• A permanent budget for ongoing end user competency is established.

Expertise: these best practices relate to the relative expertise of SAP end users and super users. Some examples:

• End users have received SAP basic orientation
• End user performance satisfactorily supports business processes.
• Help desk trouble tickets for training issues <20% of total.

The link for this webinar is:

The assessment is based upon an SAP Maturity Model that I developed some time ago and which has been vetted by SAP America, ASUG, and a number of SAP consultants and trainers.

Key output from this assessment is a level by level and best practice by best practice diagnostic of where a firm stands in regard to its SAP end user maturity.

If you cannot make it to the webinar but are interested in this offer, please contact me at