Latest SAP HR Interview Questions

1) What is the difference between ABAP and HR ABAP

2) What is logical data base

3) What are logical data bases used in hr module

4) What is the difference between PNP and PNPCE

5) Explain GET PERNR concept when we use logical data base

6) Explain the program flow when we use logical database PNP or PNPCE

7) What are the program names for logical database PNP and PNPCE

8) What is report category and for what purpose do we use report category

9) What is Infotype and how it is different from tables

10) Why do we require Infotypes for HR module

11) What are the transaction codes to create the Infotypes

12) What is the process to enhance the Infotype

13) Importance of PA20, PA30 and PA40

14) How can we decide weather we can enhance the standard Infotype or not

15) What is PAKEY structure, PSHD1 structure and what type of fields it contains

16) What is PS structure

17) What are the payroll related Infotypes

18) What are the time related Infotypes

19) What are the personnel administration related Infotypes

20) What are the organizational related Infotypes

21) What is Macro

22) What are the standard macros do we use in HR ABAP

23) What is PNP-SW-FOUND

24) What is the difference between select statement and provide statement

25) Which function module reads the data for particular Infotype

26) What is repetitive structure and for which Infotype do we have

27) How do you retrieve the data for repetitive structures

28) Can we develop program without logical database for hr module data retrieval

29) By using which FM we can upload data into Infotype

30) If yes then why do we require logical database

31) What are advantages and disadvantages of logical data base

32) What is the transaction code to display the payroll results

33) What is payroll driver

34) Where the payroll results are stored

35) Explain the concept of clusters in payroll

36) How do you read the data from clusters

37) What is retro active accounting

38) In which cluster time results are stored

39) What is wage type

40) What is personnel area

41) What is personnel sub are

42) What is payroll area

43) What is the difference between semi-monthly and Bi-weekly payroll area

44) What is sequence number

45) What is For-period and In-period

46) What is off cycle payroll run

47) How do you execute the payroll

48) What is schema and transaction code

49) What is functions and transaction code

50) What is features and transaction code

51) What is the transaction code to modify the hr form

52) What are the FM do we use in OM

53) What is object in OM

54) Which FM do you use to find out who is reporting to whom

55) What all are the differences did you find in hr module between 4.7 and ECC6 versions

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