Enhanced Google Analytics in SAP Portal

If you happened to follow my post on integrating Google Analytics with SAP Portal, and attempted to implement it, you may have found some challenges with the reports. More specifically:

  • If you're using the Light Framework (or derivation), all of your URLs are unreadable. They don't describe what is going on in the page since the Portal uses GUIDs as a URL parameter to gather the appropriate page.
  • If you're using the Default Framework (or derivation), you only show hits on your entry point. Which is great for gathering browser information, but not so much for following user activity.
  • In order to resolve this problem, you decide to add the Analytics iView to other pages in your Portal. Now all of your URLs are really unreadable. In fact, you will find that you receive multiple URLs for the same page, where the only difference is the windowID in the query string. This makes the data flat out unusable.

So, what to do?

There is a single fix that resolves both issues. The fix involves asking Portal where in the Navigation Tree you are. First, add in some imports to your code:

  1. import com.sapportals.portal.navigation.INavigationNode;
  2. import com.sapportals.portal.navigation.NavigationEventsHelperService;
  3. import com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntime;
  4. import com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.IEvent;
import com.sapportals.portal.navigation.INavigationNode;
import com.sapportals.portal.navigation.NavigationEventsHelperService;
import com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntime;
import com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.IEvent;

In order to use these, you'll need to get the following JARs and import them into your project:

  • com.sap.portal.navigation.api_service_api.jar
  • com.sap.portal.navigation.helperservice_api.jar
  • com.sap.portal.navigation.helperservice_core.jar

One of the methods you can override in an AbstractPortalComponent is doOnNodeReady(). This method is called once the PortalNode has been constructed. At this point, the node can ask the Portal for information. The method is implemented as follows:

  1. protected void doOnNodeReady(IPortalComponentRequest request,IEvent arg1) {
  2. // Get the service to access the Navigation information
  3. NavigationEventsHelperService helperService =(NavigationEventsHelperService) PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources().getService("com.sap.portal.navigation.helperservice.navigation_events_helper");
  4. // Get your current location in the navigation tree
  5. INavigationNode navTargetNode = helperService.getCurrentLaunchNavNode(request);
  6. StringBuffer fullPath = new StringBuffer(navTargetNode.getTitle(Locale.ENGLISH));
  7. // After stashing the title of the node, get the node's parent and loop
  8. // until you've reached the top node. Stash each parent's name and build
  9. // a navigation "path" for use later.
  10. INavigationNode aParent = helperService.getParentNode(navTargetNode, request);
  11. while (aParent != null && !aParent.getTitle(Locale.ENGLISH).equals("")) {
  12. fullPath.insert(0, aParent.getTitle(Locale.ENGLISH) + "/");
  13. aParent = helperService.getParentNode(aParent, request);
  14. }
  15. // store the path in a member variable that can be used inside doContent()
  16. pageTitle = fullPath.toString();
  17. }
protected void doOnNodeReady(IPortalComponentRequest request,IEvent arg1) {
// Get the service to access the Navigation information
NavigationEventsHelperService helperService =(NavigationEventsHelperService) PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources().getService("com.sap.portal.navigation.helperservice.navigation_events_helper");
// Get your current location in the navigation tree
INavigationNode navTargetNode = helperService.getCurrentLaunchNavNode(request);
StringBuffer fullPath = new StringBuffer(navTargetNode.getTitle(Locale.ENGLISH));
// After stashing the title of the node, get the node's parent and loop
// until you've reached the top node. Stash each parent's name and build
// a navigation "path" for use later.
INavigationNode aParent = helperService.getParentNode(navTargetNode, request);
while (aParent != null && !aParent.getTitle(Locale.ENGLISH).equals("")) {
fullPath.insert(0, aParent.getTitle(Locale.ENGLISH) + "/");
aParent = helperService.getParentNode(aParent, request);
// store the path in a member variable that can be used inside doContent()
pageTitle = fullPath.toString();

Once you've created this path, you can then use it to track the page properly. Inside ga-split-2.js, you should remove the final line which calls pageTracker._trackPageview() Instead, you'll create a set of response.write() calls to use the pageTitle object and write a new snippet of code on each specific page.

How to use the enhancements:

If you're in the light framework, it will just work. You can keep the code at the framework level and it will work on every page in the portal. If you're in the default framework, you'll need to add the code to each page that you want to track. You may want to remove the code from the framework and just track pages. The resulting reports will be far more readable and much better for your business users and portal sponsors who would likely be consuming the data (and pretty graphs) that Google Analytics provides.

Updating Javascript in SAP Portal

Be sure that if you're updating a Javascript file that you take the time to update the version of the file. SAP Portal does this using a query string like construct after the javascript file for its OOTB components.

You can do a similar construct for your files by simply embedding a version into the file name. Following the previous GA example, you can simply update the file name to be ga-split-2.0.1.js

Of course, the next step is to update the PortalComponent to pull in the correct version of the file.

So why do you need to do this? Depending upon how your Portal and Load Balancers are setup with caching and expires headers, you won't push the correct version of the javascript file to the browser unless you update the file name! Why? It's common practice to set Expires headers in the far future and set the browser to cache the javascript file. If your setup is doing that, then any changes you make the the original JS file will not be pulled in unless your users happened to clear their browser cache. Since the chance of your entire user community pulling that off is miniscule, the only way to force them to get the new version of the file is to update the file name!

Also, be sure you head over and look at what Spyvee did to inspire these posts over at NetweaverCentral.


1. You are a Sales Representative for Motor Sports International and work out of the New York Sales office, You sell motor cycles and accessories mainly to retail dealers.

2. You have just located a new potential customer. This customer will be 1342-XX. Use your own names and location for this dealer or make one up. Your new customer had annual sales of about 1,500,000 dollars last year and has 25 employees. The customer is expected to pay either by check or wire transfer from bank key number 234567890 account [make up a five digit number].

3. The unloading point is at 300 Jefferson Ave.

4. The account will be carried as a domestic trade receivable. Payment will due immediately at time of billing for the net amount. Payment history is kept on all accounts and it is expected that monies received will be available in 2 days. Dunning procedure number 1 will be used on this type of account.

5. This customer will have thehighest delivery priority, shipping condition 30 and will normally be serviced from plant 3000. Incoterms are FOB New York. Billings are assigned to domestic revenues for accounting purposes. Sales to this customer are exempt from sales taxes. This customer desires to place an order for the following items:


Material Number


350cc Dirt slinger [yellow]



350cc Dirt slinger [purple]



350cc Dirt slinrter [white]



6. Record the Order number for later use _____________________.

7. Now assume you are the shipping supervisor preparing to ship to your customer. Create a Deliver for this shipment and record the number_____________________.

8. Pick the order from the warehouse, load it on the carrier, and post goods issued.

9. Prepare the bill from the Accounts Receivable department and record the document number ___________.

10. Check the accounts receivable account for this customer to find the open item.

11. Receive the payment from the customer and clear the open item.

12. Check the accounts receivable and identify the cleared item.

SAP Cross Functionalities

Unit: Cross Functionalities
Topic: Serial Number Management

2-1 You have some technical items that are managed with serial numbers.

2-1-1 Create a new item, T1006 (Treadmill) that is managed with a serial number. The definition of serial numbers has to be carried out with posting goods receipts and goods issues. The price of the item is 100.

2-1-2 You order the new item, T1006, from a new vendor, S1020 TechnicProfi. Create the business partner master record out of the purchase order and enter the data. After you have saved your business partner master record, you can continue to process the document. Order 50 units.

2-1-3 Create a delivery with reference to the purchase order. You assign manually a serial number in addition to the internal one. This is a combination of the vendor number, month and year followed by a number sequence in ascending order (S1020/month/year-1, -2, and so on.). How many serial numbers has the system created for your delivery? ___________________________

Explain why you can not freely distribute the quantities? _________________________________________

2-2 You discover that one of the items T1006 is defective and decide to scrap it. Post a miscellaneous goods issue of one unit with serial number 10. Then display the report for the serial number transactions.

My SAP SD Certification tips

Keep following things in mind when preparing for the exam:

1. Prepare as per the weightage per topics given in the syllabus.

2. Be very confident on sure shot questions from the topics like:
All determination rules - plant, material, pricing procedure, picking location, route, shipping point, tax, item category, account
determination etc. One question on effect of PGI.
35 to 40 % questions will come from control tables like sales doc types, item category , copy control , delivery doc. , del. Item cat. , billing docs , schedule lines etc .

So try and mug up all the imp. Control fields .Your preparation level should be such that once you close your eye and think of TAN or OR you should be able to see all the fields in your mind .

These above, are sure to shot and you cannot afford to do mistakes in this sections.

3. Go through the screens, transaction level screens like sales order, delivery, billing, delivery list, billing due list, even standard reports etc. and check what is possible and what is not possible at each docs. What is defined at header and what is at item Go through the menu path of each docs and check what all is possible and from where it is coming. For example packing proposal and account determination analysis is possible at sales order.

4. Go through all the masters like customer, cust- material, material, > condition records for price, output, etc. Check what is defined at what level, what all is possible etc.

5. Check entire IMG - SD related, it will help you to understand what is defined at what level etc.

6. In exam be very careful with the sap English, particularly with the words like can, only, always, except. Read question very carefully. Sap statements in the exam will be always confusing, so think logically and holistically before exam.

7. Don't take any chance in preparation but always sticks to core basics, they will not ask configuration, but they will ask you what is possible and what is not and where it is defined.

8. Last but not least have confidence, how much a guy who have studied for 5 weeks is suppose to know that standard will be asked . Prepare well you will definitely succeed.

Answers for SAP SD Certification Sample Questions

Question: Cutover strategy
Q: Please explain cut over strategy procedure? Will the system golive 100% at the same time and cut the legacy system or will it be like 20% first day and 50% next day like that ?

A: Cutover strategy depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, you decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then you make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies.

SAP SD Sample Certification Questions in Sales Order Processing

To take the SAP SD certification, contact your local or regional SAP Education training center at this url :


Caution: more than one answer may be correct.
Please mark ALL correct answers.

Which statements concerning goods issue are true?

A Goods issue reduces requirements in materials planning
B Goods issue posts value changes to the stock account in inventory accounting
C Goods issue posts value changes to the stock account in asset accounting
D Goods issue posts value changes to the tax account
E Goods issue reduces warehouse stocks

Which of the following statements about billing are correct?

A. Invoice dates for creating invoices at certain times are maintained in the calendar.
B. You cannot carry out pricing again during billing.
C. A transaction-specific requirement, such as "deliveries must be combined in a collective invoice" can be set to control
D. If there are several payers for one delivery, only one billing document is created for each player.

How is the schedule line determined?

A. Item category and document type
B. Item category group and strategy group on the material master record
C. Item category and MRP type on the material master record
D. MRP Type and shipping point

When processing a billing due list, you have the following options:

A. The invoicing run can be started as a simulation run.
B. For performance reasons, the invoicing run via billing due list processing can only be carried out in batch.
C. The invoice run can be carried out for delivery-related and order-related billing documents simultaneously.
D. Order-related billing documents and delivery-related billing documents must always be created separately.

How does the SAP system enable you to check the reason for documents not being combined in a billing document?

A. Using the Spilt analysis function in the environment menu of the billing document.
B. Control of the document flow.
C. Control of the billing log.

How is the schedule line determined?

A. Item category and document type.
B. Item category group and strategy group on the material master record.
C. Item category and MRP type on the material master record.
D. MRP Type and shipping point.

SD Questions on Corporate Structure

In R/3 you can represent a company's structure by defining and assigning corporate structure elements. What is the purpose of doing that?

Enterprise organization diagram. Chart showing the organizational structure of an enterprise, its organization units and how they are related. A combined structure can be created from the point of view of accounting, MM, SD. This structure forms a framework in which all business transactions can be processed.

Which three organizational elements make up a sales area and briefly explain their function?

Sales organization: An organizational unit that sells and distributes products, negotiates terms of sale, and is responsible for these transactions.

Distribution channel: Channel through which salable materials or services reach customers. Typical distribution channels include wholesale, retail and direct sales. You can assign a distribution channel to one or more sales organizations.

Division: Product groups can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing.

Name the three internal organizational elements within a sales organization and briefly explain their function.

Sales Office. Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary.

Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If you enter a sales order for a sales office within a certain sales area, the sales office must be assigned to that area.

Sales Group. The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions.

Salespersons. Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. You can assign a sales person to a sales group in the personnel master record.

What does the term "business area" refer to and how can it be used?

Business Area. The system posts costs and revenue according to the business area. The business area can be equivalent to the:
- sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales)
- plant/division (if the accounts are to be posted according to products)

The business area is defined in Customizing for Sales.

o Business area. A unit in an enterprise, grouping product and market combinations as homogeneously as possible for the purpose of developing unified business policy.

o Financial Accounting (FI). A business area is an organizational unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be allocated to a specific business area.

Briefly explain the relationship between sales organizations and company codes.

Many to One.

What is the central organizational element in purchasing?

Purchasing Organization.

Explain the relationship between sales organizations and plants.

Many to Many.

Explain the relationship between sales organizations, plants and company codes.

Many to Many to One.

Can one business area be assigned to several company codes? Which (sub) module of SAP could make business areas obsolete?

Yes in CO .

What is a credit control area? What relationship exists between credit control areas and company codes?

Credit control area. Organizational unit in an organization that specifies and checks credit limits for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one credit control areas.

Which organizational element is central in shipping? Give a definition of it.

Shipping Point: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities. A shipping point could, for example, be a company's mail department or a plant's rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point.

Give a definition of plant (in SAP).

Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning aspects.

A plant is a place where either materials are produced or goods and services provided.

Classification: Business object

Structure: A plant can assume a variety of roles:

As a maintenance plant, it includes the maintenance objects that are spatially located within this plant. The maintenance tasks that are to be performed are specified within a maintenance planning plant.

As a retail or wholesale site, it makes merchandise available for distribution and sale.

As a rule, the plant is the organizational unit for material valuation.

The preferred shipping point for a plant is defined as the default shipping point, which depends on the shipping condition and the loading condition.

For the placement of materials in storage (stock put-away), a storage location is assigned to a plant. The storage location depends on the storage condition and the stock placement situation.

The business area that is responsible for a valuation area is determined as a function of the division. As a rule, a valuation area corresponds to a plant.

Can you assign two different sales organization to the same company code?


To what do you assign distribution channels and divisions?

Sales Organizations.

What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM.PP,FI,CO?

SD: Sales Organizations.
M: Plant
PP: Plant
FI: Company Code
CO: Controlling Area

Can you further subdivide a plant? If yes into what?

A plant can be subdivided into storage locations, allowing stocks of materials to be broken down according to predefined criteria (e.g., location and materials planning aspects).

A plant can be subdivided into locations and operational areas. Subdivision into locations takes geographical criteria into account, whereas subdivision into operational areas reflects responsibilities for production.

Can a sales organization sell from a plant belonging to a different company code?


How many shipping points can you assign to a plant?


How many shipping points can you assign to a sales organization?


If you have a warehouse management system active, to what would you assign the warehouse number?

Plant & Storage Location.

Short SAP SD Questions 2

1. What is change request and task? What was your task no.? I need an example or a task no. that is being
used in your project to clear few things in my mind?

The Change Request is that request when you do some thing new in customizing or configuration in the system. The system will automatically pop with the change request pop box , when you can give request name as defined by the system or can give your own request name with heading of what changes you have made while customization. The system will generate a request number and you save it. (e.g.:- VEDK-2785467) VEDK- means the Clients System name then followed by the system generated request number.

Now when you want to release the request you have to use the T-code SE10 where you can see the requests under the heading modifiable or released. Go to the modifiable option. Each request will have again an internal request number. First you have to release the internal request and then release the external request number. This will in turn released by the basis guys thru the T-code SM64 in a group when all the requests are pooled from different users.

The task which you have mentioned in your question is nothing but the what task you have performed while customizing the client system and the heading name which have given it for that task and generated a request for that task.

2. What is your client Number in the project? Like how we have 800 for IDES?

Generally like IDES client, when you are in the project, the client is also given a number called client number. So while implementing a project The entire implementation is done under phases and in different Client no Servers.

e.g.:-take a company called ABC which is implementing SAP.
So the Client is given a number in the following manner by the SAP Implementers at the site

291- Sand Box server (Initial Testing scenarios Server)
292- Development Sever (With client data of minimum 15 days transactions)
294- Testing Server (the scenarios developed in development server is tested here)
295- Golden Master Server (Quality cum Testing Server) - checked finally before transferring to production server
296- Production Server (where the clients live data is stored and daily business transactions are done)

3. Few client requirements for customer master, material master, Organization and Transactions.

The client requirements may be in the form of customized reports and queries which are supposed to be suited according to their business process. Generally the requirements would be coming from the BPO's (Business Process Owners) who will deputed for each module e.g.:- SD, PP QM FI) by the client as they would be expert in their areas and module who under the business processes as they clients Project Team members. They are whole and sole responsible to get the implementation done and meet the requirements raised by them and the other users from the client’s side.

Generally before starting the implementation the entire organization structure and the organizational elements are freezed and a skeleton structure is prepared and then along with BPO's requirements the system is 1st configured and then the customization is started to suit the Clients specified requirements.

Now as far as the transactions are concerned not all the users are allowed to run all the transactions. Here the user roles are defined as per the BPO's (i.e., the user is given authorization only to run certain transactions depending on the levels and stages in his area of specialization like in SD module the entry level user is only allowed to enter the data like creation of Sales orders or delivery and billing and the next level is give the authorization for changes to be made for that same data that is entered by the entry level users. The next higher level -Supervisor is given a few more transaction authorization which will be above these mentioned users)

Here the reports are segregated like Higher Management Reports, Middle Management Reports where by again authorization is given those heads(Head of the Depts. or the Plants heads or GM etc.,) to run certain transactions which allow to view reports that are needed daily by the management.

SAP SD Tips by : Moyin

4. How to restrict users for not changing some fields in T-code va02?

There are two ways to do this:
- Make a transaction variant thru SHD0 and assign it to your sales doc. While creating the variant you can place non-changeability ticks on specific fields. Next allow those users only to work with your transaction variant but not with the original transaction.
- You could make use of user-exit FORM USEREXIT_FIELD_MODIFICATION in include MV45AFZZ (via authorization objects, which you can assign in role customizing).
The latter is more flexible but it is not feasible if you want to place restrictions to a large amount of fields. *-- Sabir

5. How can we delete the Sales Orders?
How can an invoices be cancelled or deleted?

You can very well delete sales order using transaction VA02, but with a constraint that no subsequent document is created against it.

Invoice can be cancelled using T cose VF11 and then you can reverse the Goods Issue using VL09 and making the picking quantity zero in the deivery document and delete the delivery order using VL02n . You can then delete the sales order then.
*-- Vaibhav

You cannot delete an Invoice. You can only cancel it with (VF11) if the relevant accounting document is not been generated. Ask your FI guy to reverse the accounting doc. Only after the accounting doc is reversed and/or deleted, you can cancel your invoice. You also need to check if any TAX documents are generated with your Invoice. You need to reverse/delete those documents also.

Short SAP SD Questions

1. How can we know whether the customer is one-time or regular?

One can maintain Account Group for One-time customers. By which we can identify one-time customers.

2. What happens when you do not enter a value for a manual and mandatory condition type?

The pricing procedure will reject the conditions in the sales order

3. Do header condition type have an access sequence?


4. Org structure:
Relation between Company - Sales org
Sales Org - Plants & company vs. Plants

Company - sales org - credit control area

What are sales area and its components?

Sales area consists of Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel and Division.

5. What are legacy systems?

The Existing system on which current system is working, from which the current system will be migrated to SAP system

6. What is cut over strategy?

Cutover strategy depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, you decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then you make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies.

Cutover planning is highly site specific. There's no thumb rule. The stock data as on the date of going live should be correctly entered. But stock being a highly dynamic quantity, the strategy for loading should be crystal clear. Then you have to load all the back dated transaction on the stock. Some stock comes into your plant/storage location as return and some stock is actually delivered to your customer through sales orders of various kinds.

7. What are Cumulative Condition Records?

There is a field:- "condition update" during configuration for a condition type (at v/06)... has it anything to do with cumulative condn. Records?

8. IF you have 3 different access sequences for one condition record then in a pricing procedure in what hierarchy will you maintain the three accesses?

In Condition Records (T Code VK11), you would be putting values to corresponding Condition Types. Now one Condition Type can be assigned to one access sequence. In Access Sequence, you can assign whichever tables and fields are required.
So in my opinion, you cannot have one condition record for 3 access sequences.

9. What happens in the access sequence when you put all the ticks in the exclusive field?

When you put tick in exclusive field of all access sequences, in my opinion, it will try to get available data from the first. Only in case, data is not available, will it move on to the next one.

10. What is meant by delivery group?

Delivery Group is basically grouping all individual deliveries for Billing. It should have the same Ship to Party, Shipping Point, etc.

SAP SD Tips by : Moyin

11. What triggers the automatic creation of PR or PO in case of third party sales?

In item category we can set "automatic PO" so that PO and PR will automatically generate after saving the order.

You never change the item category configuration to "automatic PO". It is the schedule line category type which triggers the automatic PR creation. - Evilboy

12. What are the steps that are required to include sales person as a partner function in the partner determination?

Partner function sales represenative or person responsible these two we can add through partner funtion in partner procedure.

13. What is z transaction?

We copied standard TC or object and rename it by Z its basically stnd name which will start from Z (User defined)

14. Can you create sales order for 40 items if the quotation is sent for 30 items?


15. What is the importance of requirment field in access sequence?

System will not go to asscess condition type system will reply through formula.

16. What makes the immediate delivery in cash sales?

Order type immediate delivery switch on.

Rebate Agreement

1. Which agreement type I should consider, is this custmer rebate(0003), material rebate(0002) or Rebate on the basis of sales volume(0005), because here client is not offering rebate on Sales volume in rupees or dollar. He is only concerned with totat sales in kiloleter(Quantity). As per rebate agreement concern rebate is offered in percentage. Please guide me for my scenario.

If your distributors are fewer (far less than 900 materials) then you should go for only customer rebate.

2. Guide me for conditions types and scale basis for maintaining condition records.

When creating customer rebates (T:VB01) select customer rebate, there you will see a header tab: Conditions , click it add how many customers you want. For each customer you can create scale based conditions (under the heading tab :Scales).

3. Is it necesary to maintain condition record for every material and every customer defining the scale? Because in this scennario client is going for incentives scheme for each material and each customer (distrbutor).

No need to create condition record for every material if you create customer rebate.

Customer Master

How to create the customer master?

The following are the T-codes for central creation of customer master.

XD01 Create Customer (Centrally)
XD02 Change Customer (Centrally)
XD03 Display Customer (Centrally)
XD04 Customer Changes (Centrally)
XD05 Block customer (centrally)
XD06 Mark customer for deletion (centr.)
XD07 Change Customer Account Group
XD99 Customer master mass maintenance
XDN1 Maintain Number Ranges (Customer)

You need to identify various parameters within each Account group based on which the reco account is identified within the customer master.

Customer master is basically divided into 3 tabs.
- General - General master details, Juristiction codes, Region, Transportation zone, export data, etc.
- Company data - payment terms, account management, reco account, insurance etc.
- Sales data - Sales product attributes, sales office, sales group, customer pricing procedure, Cust. Statistical grp,
- Shipping data
- Billing data
- Partner functions.

You can create a customer based on 3 views:
1. For Account purpose
FD01/FD02/FD03 etc
2. Sales purpose
XD01/XD02/XD03 etc.
3. Centrally
VD01/VD02/VD03 etc.

What is the Function of item category and item category group?
Item Category determines the processing of any Item/material that we enter in a sales order and in this way it also effects the procesing of any sales doc in which it is used.

Item Category Group is one of the component which along with the Sales Doc Type, The Item Usage and Higher Level Item Category decide about the Item Category in a sales doc.

Mass Maintenance processing - tcode MASS


Mass maintenance is used to make make mass changes to master data such as materials, vendors, purchase orders, purchase requisitions, etc.

The full list of possible "objects" that can be changed are:
BUS0015 Profit center
BUS1001 Materials (industry)
BUS1001001 Materials (retail)
BUS1133 Rental units
BUS2012 Purchase orders
BUS2032 Sales orders
BUS2104 Appropriation reqs
BUS2105 Purchase requisition
BUS3003 Purchasing info recs
BUS3006 G/L accounts
KNA1 Customers
LFA1 Vendors

It is typically used by support staff to maintain / update master data. If your requirement is to complex for Mass Maintenance, then rather use LSMW, it can do even more -- but is more complex to use.

Summary of how the process works:

Run transaction MASS

  • Select what master data element you want to change

  • Select fields for selection and what will be changed

  • Select master data to be changed

  • Indicate what the new value is

  • Save (Run)

For example: for all materials of type RAW1, make the material group 1012. Lets step through this example to show you how easy it is to use.

Running the transaction

SAP Menu: Logistics > Central Functions > Mass Maintenance > Mass Maintenance > Dialog Processing

Transaction MASS

Select the tables for the selection screen. In our case, material type = MARA.

The materials selected will be listed.Now indicate which field must be change. In our example the material group field.

Enter what the new value (Material Group) must be.

Select the column and copy to all the materials listed below. If you don't want to change all objects -- unselect them at this point

Hit Save -- this will start the action to change the object (material)

A log will be displayed on if it was successful