Rebate Agreement

1. Which agreement type I should consider, is this custmer rebate(0003), material rebate(0002) or Rebate on the basis of sales volume(0005), because here client is not offering rebate on Sales volume in rupees or dollar. He is only concerned with totat sales in kiloleter(Quantity). As per rebate agreement concern rebate is offered in percentage. Please guide me for my scenario.

If your distributors are fewer (far less than 900 materials) then you should go for only customer rebate.

2. Guide me for conditions types and scale basis for maintaining condition records.

When creating customer rebates (T:VB01) select customer rebate, there you will see a header tab: Conditions , click it add how many customers you want. For each customer you can create scale based conditions (under the heading tab :Scales).

3. Is it necesary to maintain condition record for every material and every customer defining the scale? Because in this scennario client is going for incentives scheme for each material and each customer (distrbutor).

No need to create condition record for every material if you create customer rebate.